Saturday, October 15, 2011

Current projects that in use to lower the CO2 emission worldwide:

---Saskatchewan Canada: 1 million tons of carcon dioxede per year pumped into active oil well
---Berlin Germany: 100,000 tons of CO2 in 3 years. Liquefied CO2 from coal, which started from 2009.
---Price Utah: 900,000 tons in 4 years. Pumping CO2 into saline groundwater. Anticipates future coal plant development. Started in 2008.
---Netherlands: 200,000 tons per year. K12-B natural gas site, CO2 re-inject
---Norway Barents sea: 2008 700,000 tons per year and it is 2600meters below the sea floor
---Australia: 3.3 million tons per year. Biggest project. CO2 from natural gas injected into saltwater and it is 2300 meters below Barrow island.
---Tianjin China: 1million tons per year CO2 from gas field coal injected into oil wells
This coal-based power plant in Tianjing was put in use in 2009, which aim to put zero emissions of CO2 in reality. 
This pioneer project would be country's first commercial-scale "clean coal" power plant. It will gasify coal to extract the hydrogen while sequestering the CO2 emissions, popularly known as CCS – carbon capture and storage. The carbon dioxide will then be pumped into oil wells to aid in petroleum recovery.

In China, the electricity used up 50% of carbon emission in last 5 years. There is more 200 million tons of coal being used per year than 10 years ago. Tianjin facility removes CO2 before burning coal which can removes the carbon from coal and then injected into oil wells. By capturing CO2 like this, we can spend less amount of money compare with other possible solutions and minimize the affluence of carbon dioxide emission.

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